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Why raising investment like baking a cake no words

Why raising investment for a startup is as simple as baking a cake

Your startup is hungry! It needs cash for product development, marketing and building the team. You’re probably hungry too. You see the opportunity. You

7 Essentials that unlock Start-up equity investment

Start-up equity investment: Investors look for 7 Essential ingrediants when deciding whether to back a start-up – or not! Be succinct to get attention
Financial savings mechanism. Piggy bank formed by gears and cogs

Traction makes it quicker to raise funding for a startup

So you want to raise funding for a startup? To succeed, you’ll need to speak the language of investors. Investors will ask “how much
7 mistakes that stop you raising investment for your startup no words

7 Mistakes that stop you raising investment for your startup

Startup founders are resourceful and move quickly but sometimes that haste can work against them. They make mistakes. When it comes to raising investment

Find a co-founder and your startup will raise more money

Startup Founders share their experience and suggest where to look for a co-founder It is relatively easy to build a product and launch a

Riding the roller coaster: Motivation for Startup Founders

Let’s face it, running a start-up (or any small business) is a roller-coaster. There are plenty of ups and downs, highs and lows. Maintaining

A good read…to refresh and revitalise your business

I love summer! Who doesn’t? With the (generally) better weather meaning we spend more time outside and holiday time spent with family and friends.

The article on how to value your start-up that got 14K views

About 18 months ago, Crowdcube asked me to write an article on how to value your start-up, which I duly did. It was published
Sweat equity is it worth the perspiration with logo 600

Sweat equity – is it worth it?

There are lots of reasons why startups rely on sweat equity to get things off the ground but is sweat equity really worth it?