Raising investment is a journey,

which is more fun in the company of others.


Funding Strategy Workshop (via Zoom)

August 20, 2024


Our exclusive (and free) online Funding Strategy Workshops are designed to demystify the investment process and break down investor jargon, giving you the information you need to speed up your fundraising journey.

Whether you’re raising investment for the first time or going for your second round, our interactive workshops will help you overcome challenges you might face and provide you with valuable insights on:

  • When to raise investment
  • What amount to raise
  • How to reach out to investors


More than a Pitch Deck: What you need to raise investment

September 6, 2024


Are you raising investment for the first time? Perhaps you are confused by the process of valuing your startup? Or maybe you are mystified by the funding language used by investors?

This webinar co-hosted by Focused For Business and SeedLegals will demystify the process and provide practical advice that makes it more likely you will be successful in raising investment.

It takes more than a pitch deck to attract investors

● Explore the 7 Essentials which investor use as a checklist when assessing your startup

● As founders, we can become obsessed with our pitch deck but it is only one of five funding assets investors will expect you to share with them

● Discover the “Big 5” funding assets and how you use them to attract investors

● Dig into the detail of what to include in your financial forecast so your numbers are as strong as your pitch

● Learn how to use a Term Sheet to get investors over the line

● Receive practical tools for finding and attracting investors

Beyond the pitch deck: How to use a strong financial forecast to secure investors

September 27, 2024


Are you raising equity investment and feel uncertain about the financials investors expect to see? Do you lack confidence when it comes to numbers? Perhaps you feel any forecast will be a work of fiction as you don’t yet have actual revenue.

This interactive webinar, co-hosted by Focused For Business and Standard Ledger, will explain what a forecast is, how to include it in your pitch deck, and what an investor might want to see during due diligence.

You’ll discover:

👉 Know your metrics and KPIs: What information makes it into your pitch deck, do you know your ARR from your LTM, your CAC from GP%. We’ll keep it simple, and avoid too many acronyms!

👉 Demonstrate your runway: How you use a forecast to show runway (how much longer you can operate for) and do it in a way an investor can buy into

👉 The three key marketing metrics all investors will expect to see in your forecast

👉 When to introduce your forecast into your investor conversations

How to Value your startup

October 4, 2024


This interactive meetup, co-hosted by Focused For Business and SeedLegals, brings together startup founders to accelerate their plans for raising pre-seed/seed equity investment.

  • Learn why it is important to ground your startup valuation in reality
  • Hear about the “risk ladder” which investors use to inform the valuation
  • Discover 3 proven ways to value early-stage businesses which withstand investor interrogation
  • Receive practical tools you can use to reach a valuation for your business

How to Find Your Lead Investor and Accelerate Your Funding Round

November 8, 2024


Are you raising investment for the first time? Perhaps you are confused by the process of valuing your startup? Or maybe you are mystified by the funding language used by investors?

This interactive, free webinar with Hatty Fawcet, will highlight practical resources that make it quicker and easier to raise investment and help you:

  • Understand how the right lead investor creates FOMO and accelerates your funding round
  • Discover where to find a lead investor and how to make the most of them
  • Understan how a Term Sheet helps you secure your lead investor
  • Receive practical tools for finding a lead investor
  • Get answers to your funding questions with time for Q&A throughout

We meet via Zoom – with cameras on – to share as a community. This is about you getting the answers you need – and supporting each other as a community of founders.