Looking for a way to value
your business?

Our Valuation Calculator will help you get started

Stacked stones

Why you need a business valuation

When an equity investor backs your business they provide their cash in exchange for shares.

You will need to agree a fair price for those shares.

Valuing early-stage businesses is not an exact science. You will have one idea about what your business is worth, an investor may have a different view. How do you reach agreement? 

Valuation is a negotiation and you will need evidence to support your negotiation.

Our Valuation Calculator gets you started

Step 1: Answer 10 short questions

Answer simple questions about your company, the sector and country you operate in, how long you have been operating, what progress you have made and what revenue you have now (if you are trading), as well as what you predict you will have in the future.

Step 2: Your Valuation Estimate is emailed

You will receive a valuation estimate by email that highlights the value you have built in your business, provides an estimated valuation range and benchmarks this against similar companies. You will need more detail for investors but it's a start.

Step 3: Book a Funding Strategy Workshop

You will be invited to a free workshop to find out how investors approach valuation. This will be an opportunity to ask any questions you have and also to discover additional resources to help you prepare so you are ready to speak to investors.