Looking for funding? Here’s your step-by-step guide to finding startup investors

Looking for startup investors? Our guide will help

Starting a business is exhilarating, but finding the startup funding to fuel your dreams can be a daunting task. Not only will you have to prepare your business by becoming “investment ready” but you will also need to find startup investors. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essentials, focusing on equity funding – […]

How to find investors, and impress them

Panel members at How to find and impress investors June 2022

Have you ever wondered what it takes to find and impress investors? Well, who better to ask than leading VCs and angels themselves! Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of facilitating an insightful panel discussion with four investors and founders at an event hosted by SeedLegals and Samaipata. It was a wonderful opportunity to […]

How to get investors “on the hook”

How to get investors on the hook April 2019 600

Your business needs investment. You are out there networking and pitching like crazy but despite your best efforts investors remain elusive. It’s a familiar story. How do you get investors “on the hook”? The Allbright Academy which supports female entrepreneurs, approached Hatty Fawcett, Founder of Focused For Business and an AllBright Academy Ambassador, to ask […]